We made our brand slogan “LOVE OVER FEAR” to spread the message that maybe we all need a little more empathy and kindness to make our world a better place. When faced with something scary or uncertain in life, we have a choice whether to respond from a place of love or fear. Why not choose to be more loving and understanding of each other?

부정적인 뉴스들로 가득한 지금 우리에게 필요한건 조금 더 관용적이고 낙관적인 마음이 아닐까? 하는 생각으로 만들어진 우리의 슬로건 "LOVE OVER FEAR (두려움을 넘어 사랑으로)"는 우리에게 닥친 이 모든 문제를 사랑으로 포용해보자! 하는 의미를 담고 있습니다.

The brand slogan “LOVE OVER FEAR” is intended to spread a message of care and compassion for the planet – humans, animals and nature included. It means that we should overcome all the problems we are currently facing with a more inclusive spirit.